Thursday, April 27, 2006

And Now for Something Entirely Different...

Anyway, to make you all feel better, here's a nice picture by J.K. Potter, the guru of the masters of light. This one is called By Bizarre Hands and was a cover illustration for a book of the same name by Joe Lansdale.


Teleute said...

It's very... striking, to say the least.

Unknown said...

Actually it's Misau, the head of the Oni gang. Megumi's made out to be kind of a wimp in the series, always trying to flirt with Kenshin and clashing with Kaoru.

The technique is a bit difficult. first save the pic so it comes in under 50KB and 200x200 pixels (saving as GIF is a good idea). then create a post in your blog and use the picture button in the toolbar to add the image. Save it as a draft (so it will only be visible to you), and open the edit html tab over the message. there you'll see, instead of the photo, a URL in text. copy it, then go to your profile and paste it in where it says 'Photo URL'. then save your profile, and voila! you have a user pic. if you publish the post, the image will also be visible on your blog, if not, not, so you can keep them for reference.