Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Calling all final years

The Writing in Practice notice is now up on the departmental notice board. The list of courses to be offered next semester is still being finalised, and should be done by Friday. We will then give the signup sheets to Anandada for you to put your names down on. You have to sign up by the 16th of June, so your window is essentially 5th to 16th. There will be separate lists (on the same page) for UG and PG. All signup sheets will be in grid form and sequentially numbered. Do NOT put your name in between slots: this is to stop people squeezing in and jumping the queue. And no, if someone has struck off their name you can't replace them: you add yourself to the bottom of the list (Dada/didi line acchhe!). We will be strict about this rule this time, for all the courses.


babelfish said...

Why can't I just sign up here and now?! Why this nail-biting wait till the 5th? What if I die by the 5th? I mean here I am pleading at seven o'clock in the morning to sign up for a course, how much more dedication can I show? Then again this could just be my thursday morning psychomania...

fyn scarlet reed said...

I know it's a stupid question but I don't suppose UG-I students (well, going into UG-2 in July) can sign up at all... ?

Yes, I know, stupid question :[

Unknown said...

@hamlet - your time will come ;)