Angela Swift
28 Longfield Road
Essex CM22 7DY
Tel 0165 345272
Driving licence Full, clean
2002 - 2005 BA Geography, Degree awarded 2.1, University of Exeter
Subjects studied: Countryside planning, Sustainable Agriculture; Gender issues; Tourism.
Skills developed: excellent written and oral communication; research, interpretation and presentation; statistical analysis.
Worked well on my own and as part of a team for tutorial work; set my own deadlines and managed my time effectively under pressure, successfully completed a 10,000 word dissertation.
1994 - 2001 Basildon High School
A level: Geography (A), Business Studies (A), Biology (C),
9 GCSEs grade A* to C, including Maths and English
Employment History:
Summer 2001 Retail assistant, Debenhams, Basildon
• Worked in Children’s merchandise section, responsible for assisting customers and placing orders to replenish stock
• Developed relevant subject knowledge in order to deal with customer enquiries in person and by telephone.
September 2001 to April 2005 Waitress, Cuthbert’s Restaurant
• Worked under pressure in a fast moving and often stressful environment.
• Developed excellent interpersonal skills dealing with customers and other members of staff.
• Have successfully held the job down during University Holidays balancing a heavy workload and ensuring a reliable income.
Summer 2002 Receptionist, Whittakers Solicitors, Basildon
• Developed excellent switchboard and communication skills
• Dealt with client enquiries.
• Worked as part of a team in this hectic practise
September 2005 to March 2006 Junior Assistant Manager,The Fortune Inn, Basildon
• Successfully assisted the management in a busy, popular English pub
• Developed excellent people skills and acquired new skills including end of day cash up, cellar management and closing of the premises at night
• The position also involved organization of staff rota and stock management.
Positions of responsibility:
• Manger of inter-mural rounders team at university, this position involved insuring a full team every week, registering results, creating a kit and organizing social events.
• Key member of the Bracton Law Society hockey team
• Volunteer for Community Action; this involved visiting an elderly couple on a weekly basis.
• Head Girl, 2000 to 2001.
• Captain of school hockey and netball teams between 1998-2001
Other skills:
• Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel and Access.
• Confident with various statistical packages including, Arc map and G
• Familiar with the basics of HTML.
• Succeed in completing graphics modules outside Geography, utilizing Corel 8
• Basic understanding of French
• Enjoy team sports such as Netball and hockey, also a frequent visitor to the gym and aerobics classes.
Dr S. Williams
School of Geography
University of Exeter
Exeter EX4 4QJ
Maria Fortescue
The Fortune Inn
Essex CM21 5YH
01245 56578
Am I missing something here??
Creative use of writing. I thought so anyway.Didnt want to spell out my conceit explicitly.
Should I do something more conventional?
As such I was questioning the idea of a resume, how it becomes a narrative, a biography of sorts, and how sad that is.
How we are all prisoners of our past, our identities and most of all, our careers.
The resume is just a specimen. It could be anyones. Whats important is not the text but what it implies when juxtaposed with the title.
Even in the case of the 'person' chosen, the details given about her life insinuate a sense of mediocrity and unfulfilment.
If you look at what she studied, how she did in school and college, and her work history, you might be able to guess at the distance between childhood dreams and adult reality.
The student of Geography would probably prefer to not be waitress, receptionist or 'Junior Assistant Manager'. She probably enjoys more than 'team sports' in her free time. But she is trapped. A prisoner of her need for money and a lack of oppurtunity. A prisoner of identity. A prisoner of capitalism? A prisoner of reality.
But I didn't want to say that our loud.
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